The American Spirit

By Thomas Williams

Release : 2010-10-18

Genre : Military History, Books, History

Kind : ebook

(0 ratings)
Members of the United States Congress where having long and passionate debates over how to deal with radical Islamist doctrine that permitted and practiced brazen extortion on non-Muslims merchants ships. Some Americans wanted to talk with the pirates to convince them that their actions were wrong. Some of our citizens and politicians wanted to continue paying ransom, thinking the problem would eventually go away. The Muslim terrorists in Northern Africa, with the approval of the Dey of Algiers, were sworn to carry out jihad against all Western powers. Captain William Bainbridge suggested that a continuous policy of burying ones head in the sand was going to shut trade off. Bainbridge takes tributes to the Dey of Algiers.Bainbridge lost his ship and was captured in 1803 and imprisoned until 1805. Hostilities against Americans was plenteous. Americans at sea were thought to be weak and easily intimidated. The book details Bainbridge's victorious sea battle in 1812 of Old Ironsides defeating the British war-ship, HMS Java. President Jefferson addressed Congress: Gentlemen we must change our non-defense attitude. The lack of a United States navy has placed us into accepting the domination of England over the European seas. The Congress would rather lose the war without defending the United States rights. "May our country never be reluctant to spend money for those who spend their lives for us. Bainbridge was standing near the wheel when the ball hit and drove a small copper bolt into his thigh. This was a dangerous wound that laid him out on the deck. The cries of the wounded was an eerie and constant reminder of the carnage that was taking place on the ship. Cries of help were going unnoticed, many were not heard because the roar of the cannons had deafen most of the ship's crew.

The American Spirit

By Thomas Williams

Release : 2010-10-18

Genre : Military History, Books, History

Kind : ebook

(0 ratings)
Members of the United States Congress where having long and passionate debates over how to deal with radical Islamist doctrine that permitted and practiced brazen extortion on non-Muslims merchants ships. Some Americans wanted to talk with the pirates to convince them that their actions were wrong. Some of our citizens and politicians wanted to continue paying ransom, thinking the problem would eventually go away. The Muslim terrorists in Northern Africa, with the approval of the Dey of Algiers, were sworn to carry out jihad against all Western powers. Captain William Bainbridge suggested that a continuous policy of burying ones head in the sand was going to shut trade off. Bainbridge takes tributes to the Dey of Algiers.Bainbridge lost his ship and was captured in 1803 and imprisoned until 1805. Hostilities against Americans was plenteous. Americans at sea were thought to be weak and easily intimidated. The book details Bainbridge's victorious sea battle in 1812 of Old Ironsides defeating the British war-ship, HMS Java. President Jefferson addressed Congress: Gentlemen we must change our non-defense attitude. The lack of a United States navy has placed us into accepting the domination of England over the European seas. The Congress would rather lose the war without defending the United States rights. "May our country never be reluctant to spend money for those who spend their lives for us. Bainbridge was standing near the wheel when the ball hit and drove a small copper bolt into his thigh. This was a dangerous wound that laid him out on the deck. The cries of the wounded was an eerie and constant reminder of the carnage that was taking place on the ship. Cries of help were going unnoticed, many were not heard because the roar of the cannons had deafen most of the ship's crew.
