The Great Salvation

By Thomas Williams

Release : 2015-11-14

Genre : Classics, Books, Fiction & Literature

Kind : ebook

(0 ratings)
The Great Salvation
Thomas Williams, Welsh Christadelphian who emigrated to America and became editor of the Advocate magazine of the Unamended Christadelphians (1847-1913)

This ebook presents «The Great Salvation», from Thomas Williams. A dynamic table of contents enables to jump directly to the chapter selected.

Table of Contents
- About This Book
- Part One. What It Is And How To Obtain It.
- It Does Make A Difference What We Believe
- There Is Only One Gospel That Will Save
- We Must Believe In The True God
- God Is Not A Trinity Of Persons, But One God
- Jesus Christ - Son Of God By Begettal, Son Of Man By Birth
- The Holy Spirit Not A Person, But The Effluence Proceeding From God.
- The Nature Of Man - Mortal, A Creature Of The Dust
- Man Dies, And Is Dead After He Has Died
- In Death Man Is Unconscious
- Resurrection The Means Of Future Life For The Dead
- Immortality The Gift Of God To The Righteous Only
- Life As Now Possessed Is Not Eternal, But A Vapor That Soon Passeth Away
- Everlasting Life Not A Present Possession, But A Matter Of Hope
- The Wicked And Depraved Who Are Not Amenable Die And Remain Dead
- The Wicked Who Are Responsible Of The Dead And Living Will Be Destroyed After Judgment
- The Soul Not Immortal, But Is The Mortal, Bodily Being Called Man
- Many Learned Men Deny The Immortality Of The Soul
- The Spirit Of Man Not An Immortal Entity, But The Word Is Used For Life, Mind And Disposition
- Immortality Is God's Holy Nature; The Word "immortal" Is Never Applied To Man In His Present State
- Eternal Life Is Not A Present Actual Possession, But Is Promised To The Righteous Only
- The Wicked Will Not Be Preserved Alive In Torture, But Will Be Destroyed
- Hell As Employed In The Bible Does Not Mean A Place Of Eternal Torture, But The Grave And Gehenna
- The Devil Is Not A Personal Monster Dwelling In Hell And Yet Everywhere Present Tempting All Men, But Is Sin In The Flesh
- Part Two
- God Has Promised To Bless And Fill The Earth With His Glory
- The Earth Is To Be The Everlasting Inheritance Of The Righteous Not Heaven
- The Gospel As Embraced In The Promises To Abraham, Isaac And Jacob
- The Promises To Abraham Have Never Been Fulfilled
- The Seed In Whom The Abrahamic Promises Are To Be Fulfilled Is Christ
- God Covenanted With David To Establish A Universal, Glorious And Everlasting Kingdom On Earth
- The Covenant With David Will Be Fulfilled In Christ's Possession Of David's Restored Throne
- The Fulfillment Of The Covenants With Abraham And David Involves The Restoration Of The Twelve Tribes Under Christ.
- There Will Be A Personal And Literal Return Of Christ To The Earth
- Part Three. What Must I Do To Be Saved
- In Christ Only Can We Obtain Redemption
- Baptism Is One Of The Conditions Of Salvation
- It Is Our Duty After Baptism To Obey The Commandments Of Christ
- Part Four. Objections Answered
- Part Five. Who Will Meet The Lord In The Air

The Great Salvation

By Thomas Williams

Release : 2015-11-14

Genre : Classics, Books, Fiction & Literature

Kind : ebook

(0 ratings)
The Great Salvation
Thomas Williams, Welsh Christadelphian who emigrated to America and became editor of the Advocate magazine of the Unamended Christadelphians (1847-1913)

This ebook presents «The Great Salvation», from Thomas Williams. A dynamic table of contents enables to jump directly to the chapter selected.

Table of Contents
- About This Book
- Part One. What It Is And How To Obtain It.
- It Does Make A Difference What We Believe
- There Is Only One Gospel That Will Save
- We Must Believe In The True God
- God Is Not A Trinity Of Persons, But One God
- Jesus Christ - Son Of God By Begettal, Son Of Man By Birth
- The Holy Spirit Not A Person, But The Effluence Proceeding From God.
- The Nature Of Man - Mortal, A Creature Of The Dust
- Man Dies, And Is Dead After He Has Died
- In Death Man Is Unconscious
- Resurrection The Means Of Future Life For The Dead
- Immortality The Gift Of God To The Righteous Only
- Life As Now Possessed Is Not Eternal, But A Vapor That Soon Passeth Away
- Everlasting Life Not A Present Possession, But A Matter Of Hope
- The Wicked And Depraved Who Are Not Amenable Die And Remain Dead
- The Wicked Who Are Responsible Of The Dead And Living Will Be Destroyed After Judgment
- The Soul Not Immortal, But Is The Mortal, Bodily Being Called Man
- Many Learned Men Deny The Immortality Of The Soul
- The Spirit Of Man Not An Immortal Entity, But The Word Is Used For Life, Mind And Disposition
- Immortality Is God's Holy Nature; The Word "immortal" Is Never Applied To Man In His Present State
- Eternal Life Is Not A Present Actual Possession, But Is Promised To The Righteous Only
- The Wicked Will Not Be Preserved Alive In Torture, But Will Be Destroyed
- Hell As Employed In The Bible Does Not Mean A Place Of Eternal Torture, But The Grave And Gehenna
- The Devil Is Not A Personal Monster Dwelling In Hell And Yet Everywhere Present Tempting All Men, But Is Sin In The Flesh
- Part Two
- God Has Promised To Bless And Fill The Earth With His Glory
- The Earth Is To Be The Everlasting Inheritance Of The Righteous Not Heaven
- The Gospel As Embraced In The Promises To Abraham, Isaac And Jacob
- The Promises To Abraham Have Never Been Fulfilled
- The Seed In Whom The Abrahamic Promises Are To Be Fulfilled Is Christ
- God Covenanted With David To Establish A Universal, Glorious And Everlasting Kingdom On Earth
- The Covenant With David Will Be Fulfilled In Christ's Possession Of David's Restored Throne
- The Fulfillment Of The Covenants With Abraham And David Involves The Restoration Of The Twelve Tribes Under Christ.
- There Will Be A Personal And Literal Return Of Christ To The Earth
- Part Three. What Must I Do To Be Saved
- In Christ Only Can We Obtain Redemption
- Baptism Is One Of The Conditions Of Salvation
- It Is Our Duty After Baptism To Obey The Commandments Of Christ
- Part Four. Objections Answered
- Part Five. Who Will Meet The Lord In The Air
