The Christmas Child

By Diana Hamilton

Release : 2011-01-17

Genre : Contemporary Romance, Books, Romance, Romantic Comedies, Fiction & Literature, Family Fiction & Literature

Kind : ebook

4 (0 ratings)
His convenient wife was pregnant!

James Carter's proposal of marriage was a surprise to Matilda Trent. Nevertheless, Mattie loved James, and she accepted—intending to prove she could be more to him than just a convenient wife.

The result was unexpected—a baby due at Christmas! But before Mattie could tell James she was expecting, she discovered something that forced her to keep her joyful news a secret…

The Christmas Child

By Diana Hamilton

Release : 2011-01-17

Genre : Contemporary Romance, Books, Romance, Romantic Comedies, Fiction & Literature, Family Fiction & Literature

Kind : ebook

4 (0 ratings)
His convenient wife was pregnant!

James Carter's proposal of marriage was a surprise to Matilda Trent. Nevertheless, Mattie loved James, and she accepted—intending to prove she could be more to him than just a convenient wife.

The result was unexpected—a baby due at Christmas! But before Mattie could tell James she was expecting, she discovered something that forced her to keep her joyful news a secret…
