A Spanish Marriage

By Diana Hamilton

Release : 2010-08-01

Genre : Contemporary Romance, Books, Romance, Romantic Comedies, Western Romance

Kind : ebook

3.5 (0 ratings)
Javier has married Zoe purely to protect theyoung heiress from male predators who aretempted by her money and her beauty. But astheir paper marriage continues, Javier finds itincreasingly hard to resist his wife….

A Spanish Marriage

By Diana Hamilton

Release : 2010-08-01

Genre : Contemporary Romance, Books, Romance, Romantic Comedies, Western Romance

Kind : ebook

3.5 (0 ratings)
Javier has married Zoe purely to protect theyoung heiress from male predators who aretempted by her money and her beauty. But astheir paper marriage continues, Javier finds itincreasingly hard to resist his wife….
