Losing the Places to Find the Funny

By Victoria Lee Case

Release : 2019-06-26

Genre : Poetry, Books, Fiction & Literature, Arts & Entertainment, Art & Architecture, Health, Mind & Body, Psychology, Spirituality, Performing Arts, Religious Fiction, Visual Arts

Kind : ebook

(0 ratings)
Exclusive to Apple Books. 

Originally published in the format of language only, this updated version includes visuals- original art and sound to express the poetry of existence. While esoteric, the words on the page create a dynamic all upon its own. In an effort to express slightly more concrete ideas, this updated version, Losing the Places to Find the Funny: Visuals and Particulars chooses to manifest the emotions as well as dancing around Eternal questions.  In our current global climate, thoughtfulness meets dissonance while laughter creates endorphins. The conundrum of it all. Please enjoy a small moment on your device to uplift the Spirit. 

Introduction from the Artist:
These poems are my small window into the vast world of experiences within our human collective. While I recognize the details may not always be universal my hope is it can be experienced in a way that is personal. 
The intention of this book is to open dialogue for our own coded humanity, most uniquely, as a feminine pattern arises within, so it may go forth more fully integrated. I have found in writing this series much has changed but much has remained, especially when examining the ideals of starting a new family unit.
The backbone of health is bearing witness to your own desires and honoring the desires and sacrifices of the collective because we are all connected. 
While this book is available to all, my hope is my work can provide a portal into the world of poetry no matter your social, spiritual or economic starting point. The arts inspire and empower.
May you find a moment of sanctuary on your device, whether you are on the move or in a place of stillness. Best of luck on your journey and continue to pursue with curiosity. 
-Victoria Lee Case

Losing the Places to Find the Funny

By Victoria Lee Case

Release : 2019-06-26

Genre : Poetry, Books, Fiction & Literature, Arts & Entertainment, Art & Architecture, Health, Mind & Body, Psychology, Spirituality, Performing Arts, Religious Fiction, Visual Arts

Kind : ebook

(0 ratings)
Exclusive to Apple Books. 

Originally published in the format of language only, this updated version includes visuals- original art and sound to express the poetry of existence. While esoteric, the words on the page create a dynamic all upon its own. In an effort to express slightly more concrete ideas, this updated version, Losing the Places to Find the Funny: Visuals and Particulars chooses to manifest the emotions as well as dancing around Eternal questions.  In our current global climate, thoughtfulness meets dissonance while laughter creates endorphins. The conundrum of it all. Please enjoy a small moment on your device to uplift the Spirit. 

Introduction from the Artist:
These poems are my small window into the vast world of experiences within our human collective. While I recognize the details may not always be universal my hope is it can be experienced in a way that is personal. 
The intention of this book is to open dialogue for our own coded humanity, most uniquely, as a feminine pattern arises within, so it may go forth more fully integrated. I have found in writing this series much has changed but much has remained, especially when examining the ideals of starting a new family unit.
The backbone of health is bearing witness to your own desires and honoring the desires and sacrifices of the collective because we are all connected. 
While this book is available to all, my hope is my work can provide a portal into the world of poetry no matter your social, spiritual or economic starting point. The arts inspire and empower.
May you find a moment of sanctuary on your device, whether you are on the move or in a place of stillness. Best of luck on your journey and continue to pursue with curiosity. 
-Victoria Lee Case
