The Throne He Must Take

By Motoko Mori & Chantelle Shaw

Release : 2024-09-03

Genre : Romance Manga, Books, Comics & Graphic Novels, Manga

Kind : ebook

(0 ratings)
Holly, a clinical psychologist, is assigned to the notorious playboy billionaire Jarek. Just as the rumors say, he is completely out of control. While skiing with him, Holly gets caught in an avalanche, and they spend the night alone together in a mountain cabin. As they're huddled together, Holly learns of the nightmares that torment him, and captivated by his honesty, she gives herself to him. She realizes she’s falling for Jarek, but she has serious reasons for not expressing her feelings…

The Throne He Must Take

By Motoko Mori & Chantelle Shaw

Release : 2024-09-03

Genre : Romance Manga, Books, Comics & Graphic Novels, Manga

Kind : ebook

(0 ratings)
Holly, a clinical psychologist, is assigned to the notorious playboy billionaire Jarek. Just as the rumors say, he is completely out of control. While skiing with him, Holly gets caught in an avalanche, and they spend the night alone together in a mountain cabin. As they're huddled together, Holly learns of the nightmares that torment him, and captivated by his honesty, she gives herself to him. She realizes she’s falling for Jarek, but she has serious reasons for not expressing her feelings…
