Tales of Passed Times

By Charles Perrault

Release : 1703-01-01

Genre : History, Books

Kind : ebook

(0 ratings)
It is a historical book. It tells some stories of passed times. When eleven o'clock had struck, and still he had seen no one, he could no longer resist the feeling of hunger, and seizing a chicken, he ate it up in two mouthfuls, trembling the while.

Tales of Passed Times

By Charles Perrault

Release : 1703-01-01

Genre : History, Books

Kind : ebook

(0 ratings)
It is a historical book. It tells some stories of passed times. When eleven o'clock had struck, and still he had seen no one, he could no longer resist the feeling of hunger, and seizing a chicken, he ate it up in two mouthfuls, trembling the while.


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