Children of the Goddess

By Carol Hightshoe

Release : 2020-06-24

Genre : Historical Fantasy, Books, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Fantasy, Fiction & Literature, Action & Adventure

Kind : ebook

(0 ratings)
It is said that Alexander the Great took time to honor the customs and culture of the peoples he sought to rule. But did he truly show respect and honor or was it just a political game to the great conqueror? When he comes face to face with the Egyptian Goddess Sehkmet will it be he or his men who will pay for the offense she has taken at his actions?

Children of the Goddess

By Carol Hightshoe

Release : 2020-06-24

Genre : Historical Fantasy, Books, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Fantasy, Fiction & Literature, Action & Adventure

Kind : ebook

(0 ratings)
It is said that Alexander the Great took time to honor the customs and culture of the peoples he sought to rule. But did he truly show respect and honor or was it just a political game to the great conqueror? When he comes face to face with the Egyptian Goddess Sehkmet will it be he or his men who will pay for the offense she has taken at his actions?
