The Marrow of Modern Divinity: Defining the Covenant (ESV Bible Reference Included)

By Edward Fisher

Release : 2018-12-07

Genre : Religion & Spirituality, Books

Kind : ebook

(0 ratings)
Refreshingly different, this three-way dialogue from The Marrow of Modern Divinity by Fisher happens between an evangelist, a legalist and a young Christian.  Fisher addresses the confusion of the twin errors of legalism and antinomianism from an evangelical slant. The three-fold perspective of the Biblical Law: the Law of Works, which says, “Do this, and live”; the Law of Faith, which offers free pardon in the gospel; and the Law of Christ, which commands, “Live, and do this”. Wonderfully intuitive, this exposition of justification and sanctification is unparalleled.

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The Marrow of Modern Divinity: Defining the Covenant (ESV Bible Reference Included)

By Edward Fisher

Release : 2018-12-07

Genre : Religion & Spirituality, Books

Kind : ebook

(0 ratings)
Refreshingly different, this three-way dialogue from The Marrow of Modern Divinity by Fisher happens between an evangelist, a legalist and a young Christian.  Fisher addresses the confusion of the twin errors of legalism and antinomianism from an evangelical slant. The three-fold perspective of the Biblical Law: the Law of Works, which says, “Do this, and live”; the Law of Faith, which offers free pardon in the gospel; and the Law of Christ, which commands, “Live, and do this”. Wonderfully intuitive, this exposition of justification and sanctification is unparalleled.

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